The time for action is now.


At Black Health New Mexico, we understand that racism is a public health issue. “Difficult conversations” and performative public statements of solidarity will not address this long-standing issue. Action is required.  

When you donate to Black Health New Mexico, you are donating to a 501(c)3 committed to centering the expertise and lived experience of Black women and people in the design and implementation of policy and practice to reduce health inequities and change the structures and mentalities that have allowed racism to dominate public health for so long. We focus on infant and maternal health outcomes, and a number of chronic, and oft times, fatal health conditions that disproportionately impact Black people in New Mexico and the greater USA. To learn more about these areas of disease click here

All of our offerings are currently free and open to the public. We have pivoted to make that access even greater, especially in the time of COVID-19.